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Howdy friendly folk, this is @zambereileen, from the mountains of southern Oregon. My time here on @burndiary is drawing near the end and soon I will retreat back into my private life with my family in the mountains. But before I sign off, I’ve decided to share a self portrait so you can assign a face to my name, and with my words. I am astonished by the outpouring of encouragement and support I have received here. I know my style of photography is less gritty than others, and my focus tends to be on beauty rather than controversy, but I believe there is a place for all kinds of photographic art here at Burn. I will continue to record, create, write and share the stories of my life in Oregon. But I am changed, as this experience has broke wide my horizons. I have made new friends and connections throughout the world and I am eager for more. I not only wish to share my stories, I want to learn about yours. I’m bravely opening myself up to the possibility of new opportunities- I’m ready to walk through new doors. Please feel free to contact me with your ideas for collaboration, assignment or other creative endeavors. I crave to shoot, to write and to create. Let’s make magic together.🌲