Month: April 2015

Dandenong Ranges National Park

World’s first wheelchair access nature trail, Dandenong Ranges National Park, Victoria, Australia. Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for burndiary.


Morningmoth escaping the rain (my favourite kind of day). Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for burndiary, Melbourne, Australia.

Medium movement

Experiment in documenting medium movement. @k_koenning for Burndiary, Melbourne, Australia.

Cups and coffee

I don’t really drink lots of coffee yet I pour lots of cups of coffee. Few are ever actually finished. So here at the end of the day I have a ridiculous lineup of half full half empty coffee cups lined up on my porch railing. And all over the house too. In the car. …

Cups and coffee Read More »

I get away

Whenever I have a spare second, I get away from the city. I don’t see this as an escape but rather as a return to all sorts of things. Katrin Koenning @k_koenning for Burndiary, Sherbrooke National Park, Victoria, Australia.

Phone is a playground

To me, the phone is a fantastical playground for idea, experiment and discovery. Photo by @k_koenning for Burndiary from Melbourne, Australia.


@k_koenning Katrin Koenning posting from Melbourne, Australia

Family snapshot

Spring weather makes it impossible for me to leave home and impossible not to just take family snapshots. Isn’t that what spring is for? Lyla is on her own and can move FAST and requires constant surveillance from Michelle and Bryan. My role is easy. Just stay out of the way!