Trabajo documental sobre el galgo en España después de la finalización de la temporada de caza.

David Arribas González

Scars / Cicatrices

[ EPF 2017 – SHORT LIST ]

Spain is one of the few countries where the hunting with greyhounds is a legal activity. What was a way of survival for the familiar core in rural areas, now (when it is not a vital activity anymore) has been reinvented and turned into a sport, preserving is practice into the traditional culture of the country.

At the ending of the hunting season, in February, the dogs that are not useful, either by injuries, lack of competivity or by the age, are abandoned or, in the worst of cases, are deleted using highly aggressive practices such as being hung.


Dog shelters and houses of reception try to give a dignified life to the higher quantity of this abandoned hounds, touching unfortunate conditions of overpopulation.

The spanish laws, that are not strict concerning animal rights, keep this situation going on each year.


Short Bio

(Spain. 1978) Arribas studied photography in Madrid from 2010 to 2015 and learnt a lot in different workshops and courses related to this branch of photography with photographers such as Antonio Heredia, Manu Brabo, Susana Giron, and Antoine d’Agata.

He continues studying self-taught photography and attending courses and seminars. At the moment, he is based in Madrid, Spain and dedicates himself to the accomplishment of photographic works of long route related to social projects and human character.


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