49 thoughts on “martin brink – cows”

  1. Well, compared to the last photo, there is certainly nothing controversial about cows! (Well, there are those greenhouse gases, I guess)

  2. panos skoulidas

    I thought you R in Germany …
    I didn’t know you guys have
    “cowboys & indians” over there also!!!!??
    Juust kidding!
    Very serene…
    Loves it..
    ( I would love for couple more darker clouds,
    though!!! How about photoshop???)
    Kiddin!!! Again…
    ( who said moo??? back there??? )

  3. panos skoulidas

    ( .. I meant to say: … my iPhone’s glitch..
    coz I check everything through the phone,
    since the screen of my sexy Powebook decided
    to display more artifacts than actual pixels..

  4. PANOS,
    Thanks! No, I’m in Sweden :)
    Regarding the sky I didn’t want the image to contrasty. Make sure you enlarge it. Looks 10x better.

    Thanks all! To get the tech stuff out of the way, 35mm and yes cropped to panoramic format. I usually never crop to this format, but for this particular image it worked very well.


  5. Siddhartha Hajra

    Cows look awesome together – and they’re all looking at you with their funny look….the simplicity of the photo is very deceptive… great shot Martin!

  6. Happy shot, happy cows, Martin.
    I love the 4th one from the left – shows interest in photography from early age.

  7. This is very pleasing to look at Martin :-)

    It’s like a photograph that you might hang in your kitchen and you would never get tired of it being there.

  8. Maybe it’s because I have a small ranch and see cows every day! I think we are in for some surprising images on this website!

  9. Thanks!
    Yes, cows are funny. Really this is just an old single image. The fact that all cows are staring in the same direction made the shot for me. Just a lucky snapshot really.


  10. proof-positive that sometimes you just need a lucky snapshot of some random cows to suddenly lighten up everyone in the room. Gary Larson can just draw them and we giggle without always knowing why.

    If you ‘mooos’ to look deeper than that i suspect you will be disappointed; damn that felt naff typing moooos, but i suppose sometime you just need to be a bit naff as well.

  11. Whether we like the images in “selected photographs” or not, I do enjoy the interesting variety. At first I too thought “just another shot of some cows”. But the more I look, the more I like it. Too bad one of the cows couldn’t make a photo of Martin shooting them.

  12. martin

    great shot. brings back memories… i used to walk/drive past meadows like this almost every day, and it really is great to see cows gathering like this. cows are so curious all the time, so funny… stand beside any meadow for 5 minutes and by that time all cows are lined up looking at you as if you’re performing some kind of ridiculously silly act :-)

    well, maybe to them, an animal standing on its two hind legs holding a shiny box in front of his face making a clicking noise, is rather weird…

    thanks for sharing. i love the calf trying to peek between the 2nd and 3rd cow on the left: “mommy what’s going on? i want to see!”


  13. Thanks, Martin, for encouraging us to look at your cows on the full screen mode. That changed everything for me. Instead of a group of cows, they became individuals, each with its own unique expression and waayy of being in the world.

    This image brings back memories of a wonderful experience I had a pregnant cow a couple of years ago. She and I had made eye contact that led me to feel we were communicating. Within a few minutes she started her first contraction. For the next 45 minutes I watched her silent stoic acceptance of increasing painful contractions, the actual birth of a healthy bull, his tongue-bath by his seemingly proud mother, and his first wobbly-legged tugs on her full-to-bursting udder.

    Thanks, Martin, for bringing it all back.

  14. Very true. It’s not one of my pictures I like the best myself, but I enjoy it and thought that photography doesn’t always have to be taken so damn serious.

  15. I love cows!!!!!!!!….as a kid, when my dad moved us to the country, the farmer across the way had milk cows (i loved to listen to them lick at the salt blocks)…and i would be a happy meant spending an afternoon with these beauties…:)))

    glad to see some humour here too :)))))…

    here’s one of my favorite Larson cows ;’))))…..

    instead of ‘car’ substitute ‘photographer’ ;)))))



  16. Martin,

    Every cows see us and we see cows… Maybe Happy New Year Greeting!
    Very interesting photo and it makes me smiling and happy. :)))
    This year(2009)is cow’s year in Asian calendar!
    Thank you very much.

  17. “look, there shall be a yellow cow of the brightest yellow, a pleasure to view. the cow shall be healthy, and there shall be no blemish on it…” the koran.
    unfortunately the prophet forgot to mention that the pleasure would be greater if the cows could only do something interesting.
    sorry for the in this case truely shameless selfpromotion, but i couldn´t resist.

  18. Bengt Anderberg

    Hi Martin,
    I really like this shot! You managed to get full attention from all members of this group ;-)

    Good luck,

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