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Mortal | photo by @alistairkeddieI met up today with my good friend Chris for one of our occasional walk and talks. Generally we have a good idea where we are walking but the talking tends to meander and wander much wider. Sparked by a recent event, we touched on the transience of life and importance of living in and of the moment. This led into a conversation that touched on philosophy, politics, art, photography and the importance of practice. Practice however you can, wherever, whenever, just practice. Usually we dont, not on these wanders anyway but spurred by @burndiary I’d brought along my camera and some idea for a portrait we’d try later. Thats not this one. This one was just grabbed on the phone and seemed nothing special till later on the bus home. Im struck by the serendipity in this image, impossible to plan. The accidental mirror created during post reflects an attitude of prayer, a wristwatch displays the moment in time and the lights of the cafe behind suggest the stars of the Southern Cross prominent on the national flag of New Zealand.