
The view from my belly button #8 10 year old Daiana Lau at home in Iasi, North East Romania. Daiana has lived with her grandmother since she was 2 months old, as her mother and father emigrated to work in Italy, and her mother died of Cancer there while she was still a baby. Save the Children Romania quotes official government statistics that there are currently 23,312 Romanian children with both parents working abroad, although it is widely accepted that these are very conservative estimates! Emigration is one of the largest causes of depopulation in Romania. Image by Anastasia Taylor-Lind @anastasiatl for @burndiary

#negativezero is a photographic project by Anastasia Taylor-Lind about Europe’s declining populations. To join her on her roadtrip and find out more about the project please follow her on facebook bit.ly/negativezero @viiphoto